Check out what’s happening this Sunday

Register for Children's Breakfast Worship!

March 8 | 10 am - 12 pm in the Church | Children Ages Birth through 5th Grade and their Families

Join us for a morning of crafts, music, worship, and fun as we learn about Jesus' journey into the wilderness during the season of Lent! Food will be served, and take home activities will be provided. All children ages birth through 5th grade, together with parents, grandparents, and older siblings are welcome to participate in this intergenerational community event. Please register using the link below.

Register Now

A Place for Kids 

ACCEPTANCE + Wonder + Community
Ages Birth through 5th Grade

Here at St. Bart's, we want children to know from day one that they are known and loved, that they matter. We also believe that children have a natural sense of spirituality and that faith is caught more than taught. We engage our kids in the stories, teachings, and love of Jesus to help grow the faith that is already within them.  Children and families of all faith backgrounds or none are welcome in our inclusive community!

Please Register!

Registering your child ensures our records are up to date regarding allergies, special needs, and emergency contact information. Please help us ensure the safety of our community. Thank you!

Register for 2024-2025

SUNDAYS (beginning September 15)

10 am Kids' Club

Arts, Stories and Games for K-5

11 am Kids' Church

During the 11 am Eucharist

12:15 pm Lunch

For Kids, Youth, and Families

1 pm Choristers

Rehearsal in the Chapel

Choristers Warmup: 9am

Nursery Care Available in the playroom from 9:45am until 12:45pm


St. Bartholomew’s Chorister program was founded in 1995 by reaching out to children and families throughout the five boroughs of New York City. The program consists of thorough musical education, sustained by rehearsals throughout the week, singing at the 11am service, concerts, trips, and an annual late summer choir camp.  Participation in the choristers typically begins at age 8 and up.  To find out if the Chorister program might help develop and support the musical interests of a young person you know, please contact Associate Organist and Choirmaster Alexander Pattavina.

 Learn More

Kids' Club

10 am Sundays | Room 52

Kids' Club is our children's program for grades K - 5.  Our gatherings are designed to bring the stories of the Bible to life in ways that are meaningful, healthy, and fun using seasonal magazines, playbooks, and vibrant visuals designed to open kids' imaginations to the wonder of God' love.  Kids' Club runs concurrent with Youth at the Center for grades 6-12 and The Forum for adults.

Register for 2024-25

Kids' Church

11 am Sundays | CHAPEL

The 11 am service includes a 25-30 minute Kids' Church program during the sermon and prayers.  During the second hymn, the children are led into the chapel for an immersive and engaging time of singing, a lesson, prayers, and a snack.  During the announcements, all kids to the church to receive communion with their families. 

Register for 2024-25

Sunday Lunch

12:15 pm Sundays | LOCATION: VESTRY ROOM

All children, youth, and their families are invited to a complimentary community lunch on most Sundays.  This is a time to enjoy food and fellowship together between the 11am service and the Choristers rehearsal at 1 pm. However, you don't have to be involved with Choristers to attend.

Upcoming Children, Youth, and Family Events


In baptism, we celebrate God's unconditional love, present from the beginning. Parents and godparents commit to raising the child in the way of Christ, and the whole community pledges its support.

Learn More About Baptism

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St. Bart's Youth

Children, Youth, & Families Staff

Zack Nyein

Senior Associate Rector and Pastor of Imagine Worship

mobile: (865) 599-6047

Efthemia Diprenda

Sunday Children's Minister and Summer Camp Director

office: 212-378-0203