Each year the church is invited to a “Holy Lent” as we embark upon the Way of the Cross, beginning with Ash Wednesday. Each of us brings our own stories to the great story of God’s redemption of the world through Jesus Christ — Our own joys and tears, sorrows and triumphs. Each of us brings our own longing for resurrection. I am so grateful to the members of our community who so vulnerably and faithfully contributed to this collection of meditations as we journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, wherever that might be for you. I hope you will embrace the invitation to consider how your story resonates with the words shared in this offering. I hope you will take up the ancient call to slow down and spend time in scripture, prayers, and self-reflection this Lent — to see, taste, touch, hear, and smell the goodness of God in your life — and then to play your part in sharing the feast of God’s love with a world that hungers and thirsts for good news.
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