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Next Steps

Next Steps

Welcome to St. Bart’s! From worship, to community groups, volunteer opportunities, and the arts, we’re ready to help you take the next steps in faith and belonging. It’s as easy as 1-2-3!

Complete a Connect Card

Once you fill out the card, you will be added to our weekly Enews, and a member of our leadership team will be in touch.

Complete a Card

Meet us for coffee!

Everyone has a story. We’d love to hear yours and share a bit of ours! Sign up for a coffee date with a member of the clergy. It’s on us!

Sign up

Come to an Explore Class

This three-week series for newcomers offers an introduction to the Episcopal Church and an orientation our community at St. Bart’s.

Explore with us


You belong, already!  Ready to make it official?  Speak with one of our clergy about becoming a member of St. Bart's through baptism, confirmation, reception, or transferring your membership from another congregation.

Becoming a Member of St. Bart's - FAQ      

Why go to St. Bart's or any other church?

One way to think about this is ordinary and human: it is much easier to make it in the world as part of a community/family. Belonging to a community is a basic human need. Here you share a purpose, ways of behaving toward one another, traditions and a sense that someone knows and cares about you. The other way is religious or spiritual. For Christians, specifically, there is a story: God in Christ lived his life to give us freedom, loving us so that we might love others and thereby saving us from ourselves—meaning from false choice—by giving us better and deeper choices. We call it the Good News. The movement that spreads this news is called the church, and it is radically welcoming to all who come.

We live our Christian and Episcopal faith through worship and active participation in the life and work of St. Bart's. Our parish offers diverse, life changing and compelling opportunities for Christian ministry. We expect parishioners to commit time, talents and treasure to those ministries in which they are moved to serve. We encourage those who participate in these ministries to invite others to participate in God’s work. We believe that involvement at St. Bart’s will offer purpose, fulfillment and joy in spiritual, psychological and emotional ways. Therefore, we do invite and expect you to attend church on a regular basis.

What defines a member?

A member is any person who has been baptized with water in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, whether in the Episcopal Church or any other Christian church; and has requested that their baptism be recorded in this parish's records. In addition, membership is based on a person’s desire to have St. Bart’s as a spiritual home. If you are not baptized and would like to find out what baptism means and when it is offered, please email the Reverend Deborah Lee or call her at 212-378-0240.

What is expected of me as a member?

We expect that you want to be among us for the primary purpose of being part of our community in order to worship God in joy and power. That you commit to worship as regularly as possible in your life. That you believe that God gives us all that we have and are, and that the people of God, including you, learn how to be a giver—to the church for its work, and to the needs of others. That life, and church, are not about being right, but about being open.

We expect that you commit to living a life oriented towards God, and are called to continuous conversion, to rethink and re-do when they fail, and to believe that God is open to such "repentance" again and again. That you help spread the Good News of God in Christ whenever and however possible for you. That you join with others not only in prayer, but in working for justice and peace in the human family. We expect that you respect the dignity of every human being. Spread the word and serve others. It is our expectation that you lead generous lives and pledge your time, talent and treasure for the building up of the Christian community here at St. Bart’s.

If I can enjoy most everything about the church as a guest, why would I want to take on the responsibilities of being a member?

When you go to someone's home for dinner, hopefully you enjoy a warm welcome, a generous meal, and fellowship with your friend and their family. But, there is a difference between being a guest at the table and a family member. Some say it is merely the common blood that flows through the family's veins. But those who are adopted, married, or have had a commitment ceremony know that it is more. In a healthy family unit, there is a bond present. A commitment to take care of one another, to support one another through the good and the bad. This unspoken understanding generates an ease and freedom to be yourself, to be who God created you to be, safe in the knowledge that they are a part of you and you a part of them no matter what. The church word for this bond is "covenant." We who are baptized are united, adopted into the family of God. And not only in this life, but also in the life to come. Baptism is our way of expressing this commitment formally and publicly to God and to one another. Becoming a member of a local community of faith is the way we live out that covenant.

When you tell us that you wish to be a member, we, from that moment, will work with you to make your wish a reality. So the best way to let St. Bart's know you wish to become a member is to write a note, make a phone call, send an email or speak with a member of the clergy or contact the parish. One of the clergy will speak with you about your religious history; then direct you to the courses offered for membership. If you're a member of another Episcopal Church, you can contact that church (or ask us to do it) and ask that a Letter of Transfer of membership be sent from that church to St. Bart's. If you are baptized here, confirmed or received by the Bishop, you become a member. Providing us your baptismal information (date & place) is requested, but if you do not have it, your word is good enough.

Absolutely! We want to recognize your decision and formally welcome you. Several times a year we have a Welcome Sunday. All you need to do is come to the 11am service on one of those Sundays. Sit anywhere you wish. Come forward when you are invited with others who have been recently recorded as members and those becoming members on that day. You do not have to participate in a Welcome Sunday to be become a member. However, we hope you will, since it is our way of celebrating your becoming a part of this family. If you would like to participate, be in touch with Manny Rodriguez.

Definitely. It is important to remember that first and foremost, you are a member of the family of God, which is accomplished through baptism. The choice then is where you feel drawn to live out your baptismal vows of worship and service to God. Many people who are members of another church, be it an Episcopal church or a church of a another denomination, choose to make St. Bart's their second church home and be recorded as a member here as well. We welcome you to do this.

Community Life

We’re glad you’re here and want to help you connect, find a small group, and get to events for you and/ or your family. We're excited to meet you personally and to help you become a part of this vibrant community of faith. For more information about joining and membership, please feel free to contact us — we look forward to hearing from you!