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March 30, 2025
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Today's Readings: Joshua 5:9–12; 2 Corinthians 5:16–21; Luke 15:1–3, 11b–32; Psalm 32
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8 am (Church) Holy Eucharist
Our earliest service on Sundays, the 8 am service offers a quiet, traditional service with a sermon and no music. The order of service follows the traditional Rite I language of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.
9 am (Chapel) Holy Eucharist
Join us for an intimate celebration of holy communion, held in the round, that emphasizes congregational singing and fresh, new ways of talking about God and the life of faith. St. Bart's Singers offer musical leadership. Download the leaflet here.
10 am Activity Hour for Children and Youth
Kids' Club for children in grades K-5 meets Community House Children's Playroom (109 E. 50th Street Basement Level). Through arts, crafts, movement, and games, we bring the stories of Jesus to life, and make church fun. During this time, Youth at the Center for grades 6-12 meets in Room 32.
Nursery Care is available from 9:45 am until 12:45 pm in the Community House Children's Playroom (109 E. 50th St. Basement Level).
Learn more about our offerings at stbarts.org/kids
Read this week's Newsletter for Families
10 am (Great Hall) The Forum
The Forum Series for Lent
Transition is a familiar theme for people of faith. As St. Bart’s embarks on a leadership transition, speakers from our community explore the ways in which transition can stimulate self-reflection, improve one’s relationship with God, and foster growth.
Retirement: Transition and Purpose
Bob Kiely, Ray Vandenberg, and the Reverend Meredith Ward, co-leaders of the St. Bart’s retirement group, discuss retirement as a major life transition.
11 am (Church) Choral Eucharist
- Download our worship leaflet to follow along (available on Friday). Printed copies are available at the service, or, as an eco-friendly option, a QR code of the worship leaflet is accessible at the entrance to the Church.
- The fourth Sunday in Lent is often a day that breaks the penitential pattern of these forty days of preparation and includes some celebration and rejoicing. In that spirit, St. Bartholomew's Choir and chamber orchestra will offer Mozart’s Missa Brevis in F, K. 192, as well as the “Laudate Pueri” movement from his Solemn Vespers. The Mass is a tuneful and uplifting work composed when the 18-year-old Mozart was employed as a church musician by the ruler of Salzburg, Prince-Archbishop Hieronymous Colloredo.
- During the 11 am service, just before the sermon, all children are invited to join Kids' Church in the chapel, which includes an age-appropriate time of prayer, music, and a lesson. While designed especially with children in grades K-5 in mind, all are welcome, including parents and older or younger siblings. Children return to the church and are reunited with their families before the end of the service (around 11:45 am).
- The 11 am service will also be livestreamed. Additional info here.
- To add a name to the prayer list, please fill out a prayer request form.
Join us for other gatherings after church
- Pathfinders: Taking the Next Step in Christian Community, 12:30 pm in Room 33
- Apple Hill String Quartet, 2:30 pm in the Chapel ($25)
- Children Youth and Family Lunch, 12:30 pm in the Vestry Room
- Living Christ Sangha meditation group, 3 pm via Zoom
- Young Adult Compline, 8:30 pm via Zoom
See our weekly eNews with information for online gatherings and classes this week.
5 pm (Chapel) Contemplative Eucharist
Join us for an intimate service of holy communion in our candlelit chapel. At this service, rhythms of silence, singing, scripture, and prayer are woven together into an intimate hour of spiritual renewal— the perfect way to end the weekend and prepare for the week ahead. Download the worship leaflet here.