Check out what’s happening this Sunday

St. Bart's • 325 Park Avenue • NYC

7 pm

8 pm
Food & Conversation

RSVP for dinner appreciated, though not required

Sign up for our NewsletterImagine worship on youtubeImagine Worship on Instagram 

Be part of a new midweek worship gathering in Midtown Manhattan. 

Come experience a relaxed, refreshing, and radically-welcoming atmosphere with modern music, a timely message, and communion — followed by dinner (free!) Invite a friend, and pray your way into the weekend with us! 

Imagine Worship is designed with those in mind who:

  • Want to be fed — soul, mind, and body
  • Work or travel on the weekends
  • Want to try church for the first time (or the first time in a long time)
  • Enjoy contemporary music and prayers
  • Are looking for community and friendship

Young Adults — Join us for Bible Study Beforehand!

All are welcome. Come and see!

Sign up for our Newsletter

Join the
Imagine Worship NYC Choir

Rehearsals at 6pm Thursdays

All singers welcome! 
With the leadership of Mark Miller,
this pickup choir rehearses from 6 - 7pm and
leads the community in a wide array of
gospel and worship music, hymns,
and global songs.

Join the Choir

Meet Our Lead Musician

Mark Miller

Bio Spotify
Imagine Worship Artist-in-Residence

Music from Imagine Worship NYC

Revelation 19:1

by David Brymer & Ryan Hall

Words of Institution

by Zack Nyein

All My Days

by Mark Miller and Laurie Zelman

Imagine Worship on Instagram 

Imagine Worship began in and is based out of
the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta.

Visit Imagine Worship (ATL)


A Movement

Imagine Worship is a movement within the Episcopal Church, an inclusive Christian denomination welcoming people of all ages, races, and genders — every nation, station, and orientation — to find faith, belonging, and purpose in Jesus’ way of love.

Shared Leadership

We gather musicians, clergy, and creatives to make space for immersive, embodied, culturally-connected worship experiences that are grounded in ancient rhythms and attuned to contemporary life.

Beloved Community

We embrace popular music styles and technology to facilitate connection in-person and online, emphasizing racial diversity, young voices, and story sharing as essential to the church’s task of building Beloved Community.

A new kind of worship for the Episcopal Church
amplifying a kinder, truer, justice-seeking Christianity for the world.

Connect with us!

Zack Nyein

Bio Email
Director of Imagine Worship