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Day 9

by Eileen Dolan on October 23, 2024

May the road rise to meet you

October 23 the road from Melide to Arzua

Today we walked over 8 miles under the streaming sunlight of a perfect Galician October day, crossing the 100 mile mark.

As I walked  by green valleys, tree shaded lanes and shorn corn fields, the opening line of an old Irish blessing came to mind.   (To my fellow pilgrims, I made a conscious choice to avoid the line in that blessing about soft rain !)

After 100 miles, we are all more acutely aware of our sore feet and aching joints and it would be very (very) easy to say we have met the road and it has won.

And yet, I am surrounded by this group from St. Barts who are are light-hearted and greet each day with an immense sense of joy and anticipation.

When we laugh and reminisce with old friends as we walk, the road rises to meet us.  When we share a coffee on the road, the road rises to meet us.  When we delight in new acquaintances and share our stories, the road rises to meet us. When we find quiet space to listen to our hearts, as we walk or in evening prayer, the road rises to meet us.

It has been an absoute joy to meet the road in this beautiful place with this lovely group of humans.   


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