Check out what’s happening this Sunday

Our very own Community Theatre company, the St. Barts Players, is back on the boards and looking for all those interested in playing onstage and off! Members of all ages and skill levels can enjoy performance opportunities and social activities, such as theatre and movie outings, karaoke nights, happy hours, cabarets, staged readings and other opportunities throughout the year. You also can get involved on stage or behind the scenes in our spring and fall Mainstage productions.

To learn more about the current season and ways to get involved with the group, or to purchase tickets for upcoming productions, visit: St. Bart's Players 


 Contact Tracey Altman ( ) for more information.

Please note: You can pay your membership dues by reaching out to Tracey Altman ( ). 

The St. Bart’s Players (SBP), founded in 1927, is a nonprofit, volunteer-driven organization
dedicated to presenting high-caliber, quality theatre at affordable prices. It is the longest-
running community theatre in New York City.

Most of its members, including the governing Advisory Board, hold full-time day jobs in a wide variety of careers and pursue their love of theater in their off-hours. The group is a melting pot of creativity, talent and management skills that is infused with a hard-work ethic, which is why the Players has enjoyed the long tradition of “consistently achieving professional caliber [theatre]” (New York Times).

What’s striking about SBP’s shows is their quality, not only onstage but also behind the scenes.

The artistic staff, (directors, music directors, stage managers and lighting, set, costume and sound designers) are paid professionals. All other positions are filled by members of the Players, who produce, assistant-stage manage, run light boards and more. There is something for everyone.

The SBP runs year-round, with a brief hiatus in the summer. There are two or more off-site
"Main Stage" productions each year—one in the fall and one in the spring—performed at
professional venues in NYC. In addition, there are special events and fundraisers throughout the season: cabarets, interactive murder mysteries, staged play readings and more that are performed in the Community House of St. Bartholomew’s Church.

We would love to have you join us! For more information, please contact

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Download our membership brochure here