Check out what’s happening this Sunday

Every Sunday at 10 am

Each week, guest speakers from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines join the Reverend Peter Thompson and other St. Bart's clergy for deep and insightful conversations about topics that matter to our lives as responsible citizens and people of faith. Speakers in recent years have included winners of the Tony Award, the Emmy Award, the MacArthur Fellowship, and the Pulitzer Prize, professors from prominent universities like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia, and journalists from New YorkThe New Yorker, and The Atlantic.

The Forum Series for Lent

Transition is a familiar theme for people of faith. As St. Bart’s embarks on a leadership transition, speakers from our community explore the ways in which transition can stimulate self-reflection, improve one’s relationship with God, and foster growth.

Sunday, March 30, at 10 am

Retirement: Transition and Purpose

Bob Kiely, Ray Vandenberg, and the Reverend Meredith Ward, co-leaders of the St. Bart’s retirement group, discuss retirement as a major life transition.


April 6: Grief, Hope and Healing Together

Flora Ferrara, Keith Reinhard, and the Reverend Meredith Ward speak about recovering from loss and the grief group held under the auspices of St. Bart’s.

Watch or listen to The Forum from previous weeks below.

Women and the Gender of God
03.26.23 | Articles | The Forum

The Reverend Dr. Amy Peeler, Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, outlines what Scripture actually says about the gender of God. Her book, Women and the Gender of God, was released in fall 2022.

    Welcoming Newcomers February 12, 2023
    02.15.23 | Articles | by Bailey Regan

    The following individuals were fully welcomed into the life of St. Bart's during Welcome Sunday on February 12, 2023. We invite you to send them messages of congratulations. Ackeem Duggan I am 31 years old and I am from Jamaica, West Indies. My...

    The Lunar New Year
    02.05.23 | The Forum | Center for Religious Inquiry

    As the celebration of the Lunar New Year comes to a close with the Lantern Festival, Ying Yen, Executive Director of the New York Chinese Cultural Center, provides background on the multi-week observance and its place within Chinese culture. 

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