Each week, guest speakers from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines join the Reverend Peter Thompson and other St. Bart's clergy for deep and insightful conversations about topics that matter to our lives as responsible citizens and people of faith. Speakers in recent years have included winners of the Tony Award, the Emmy Award, the MacArthur Fellowship, and the Pulitzer Prize, professors from prominent universities like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia, and journalists from New York, The New Yorker, and The Atlantic.
The Forum Series for Lent
Transition is a familiar theme for people of faith. As St. Bart’s embarks on a leadership transition, speakers from our community explore the ways in which transition can stimulate self-reflection, improve one’s relationship with God, and foster growth.
Sunday, March 30, at 10 am
Retirement: Transition and Purpose
Bob Kiely, Ray Vandenberg, and the Reverend Meredith Ward, co-leaders of the St. Bart’s retirement group, discuss retirement as a major life transition.
April 6: Grief, Hope and Healing Together
Flora Ferrara, Keith Reinhard, and the Reverend Meredith Ward speak about recovering from loss and the grief group held under the auspices of St. Bart’s.
Watch or listen to The Forum from previous weeks below.
Julie Ross, Executive Director of Parenting Horizons and author of How to Hug a Porcupine: Negotiating the Prickly Points of the Tween Years, draws on over three decades of experience working with children and families to offer insights about the...
Many Episcopalians are surprised to learn that their Church offers personal confession. The Rt. Rev. Andrew St. John, Bishop-in-Residence at St. Thomas Fifth Avenue, provides an overview of the rite as it is used within our own tradition.
Catherine Conybeare, Leslie Clark Professor in the Humanities at Bryn Mawr College, reviews the Confessions of St. Augustine of Hippo, exploring the importance of questions for Augustine's thought.
As we begin our Lenten series, “I’m the problem. It’s me: Reflections on Self-Reflection,” Kevin Christopher Robles of America Media reviews the many ways in which Taylor Swift has reinvented herself many times throughout...
The Reverend Dr. Timothy Peoples, Senior Pastor of Wilshire Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, explores how worshipers’ perceptions of those who preach to them impacts the messages they hear.
What did it mean for early Christians to center their communal gatherings on "the breaking of the bread"? The Very Reverend Andrew McGowan, Dean and President of Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, draws on recent archaeological and other evidence...
The Reverend Dr. Chloe Breyer, Executive Director of the Interfaith Center of New York, speaks about the work ICNY is doing, particularly relating to the migrant crisis.
Rabbi Sarah Berman, Director of Adult Education at Central Synagogue and Dr. Daisy Khan, Executive Director of Women’s Islamic Initiative in Spirituality & Equality speak about their faith traditions and what their traditions teach...
Percy Preston, Jr., Archivist and Honorary Warden, marks the centenary of a momentous and highly controversial sermon preached at St. Bart’s that was featured on the front page of The New York Times. (For the original Times article, click...
The Right Reverend A. Robert Hirschfeld, Bishop of New Hampshire, reflects on the current mental health crisis and how the Christian faith can provide support to those who are struggling.