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Announcing our 2024 Pledge Campaign Co-Chairs

by Jama Toung on September 22, 2023

I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. John 15:11

John 15:11, a source of inspiration for Mariel Glover and Keith Reinhard, our 2024 Pledge Campaign Co-Chairs, builds on the idea of joyful giving. This fall, they will invite you to experience both the giving of a pledge and the reward in doing so.

But first, meet Mariel and Keith, a dynamic duo.

Keith, a native of Berne Indiana, a Swiss Mennonite community, made a career move to New York City in the early 1980's, before Mariel, a native of Westbury, Long Island, was born.

Keith arrived from Chicago when he was named CEO of a New York based global advertising agency network. Since then, Keith has shared his “soft-spoken visionary and good human-ness” as a member of the St. Bart’s community. His committee leadership has included the one responsible for updating St. Bart’s branding, including our logo and the statement inside our service leaflets, as well as the search committees that brought us Director of Communications, Kara Flannery, and Senior Associate Rector, the Reverend Zack Nyein. Earlier this year, this converted Episcopalian was the recipient of our Mosaic Society Award in recognition for his commitment and service to St. Bartholomew’s Church.

Mariel made her way to the Big Apple when she grew tired of being a commuter from the suburbs. As a periodic visitor to St. Bart’s in her teens, following the Anglican roots of her extended family, she knew St. Bart’s for years before making the commitment to join. She completed a St. Bart’s welcome card in June 2019 and was confirmed by Bishop Mary Glasspool in September 2019. A special education teacher and tutor who is back in school herself, Mariel can be found in the company of her 20s/30s group, serving as an Acolyte or Lector in Sunday service, or praying her way in the modern worship and gospel music of Imagine Worship.

Mariel believes that becoming an Episcopalian was the best decision she’s made in her religious journey to date.

With roots in an evangelical tradition, Keith found The Episcopal Church appealing with its call to love our neighbors, even if their beliefs differ from our own.

Both of these big-hearted souls find their favorite spot is sitting in the St. Bart’s sanctuary nave – for its art, its acoustics, and its community. Both Mariel and Keith give to St. Bart’s mission and ministry for what it does for the community. They are excited to tell you more on October 15th as we launch the 2024 Pledge Campaign.


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