We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following yonder star
Oh, star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy perfect light
As a child one of my favorite Christmas traditions was to unpack the crèche and place the figures -- some in the straw, others in the fields, some set on solid bases, others on delicate legs. Each day I would move the groups toward Bethlehem and the wisemen closer to the star. It was magical.
To my delight, in the early years of parenting a friend pointed me to the Wandering Wisemen’s daily posts on Facebook and Instagram. Transported back in time, with a mix of irony, humor, and creativity, the tales of Balthazar, Melchoir, and Gaspar, along with their faithful camel companion, Hezekiah, are an annual treat for me and my kids. These travelers capture our hearts. There is folly galore, as they climb hills, cross deserts, and question their travel gear. Doubts, disappointments, and discord are no strangers to this crew, neither are joyful discovery and frequent star-gazing on the quest to "thy perfect light."
Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi, celebrates the appearance of the Lord in the midst of humanity. While many debate the existence of the Magi and the mysterious star, I am drawn to wonder about their unusual baby gifts and their return from their journey “by another road.” I wonder -- Did they make it home?
Full of mystery and unanswered questions, you are invited into the season of ongoing epiphany. There’s an opportunity before you, a mashup of New Year’s resolutions and witnessing to God’s true Light. New York Times Guest Essayist, Anne-Marie Slaughter, gives voice to some bold ideas in her Jan. 3, 2022 piece entitled “Resolve to Think Bigger in 2022,” where she writes, “The deeper problem, as my father would put it, is the 'triumph of hope over expectation.' The only way to change the path of expectation is to face and dissect why our resolutions failed before. That road leads to many unexpected destinations far beyond willpower.”
Where is the star leading you in 2022?
In gratitude for wondrous and amazing things to come,
P.S. Seeking King Cake recipes, photos, and memories. Email them to .