Over the course of the past year, St. Bart's Faith In Action Team has identified social justice priorities on which to focus; chief among them has been the migrant crisis. Last week, a sizable group of volunteers at St. Bart's came together to pack nearly 100 welcome backpacks for newly arrived refugees in New York City. Our baptismal covenant asks us: "will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?" With more than 100,000 migrants having arrived since the spring of 2022, this question is now more pertinent than ever.
This Sunday, September 10th, as part of our annual Blessing of the Backpacks, we will speak a blessing over these welcome kits for our new neighbors, which will be distributed in the weeks to come. We're thankful for the guidance of the Faith In Action Team, the work of our dedicated volunteers, and the leadership of the Reverend Zack Nyein in this ministry. In this spirit, let us always remember to show hospitality to the stranger - for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.
If you would like to join the Faith In Action Team or learn more about our social justice ministries, click here, or reach out to Teagan Sage, Associate for Visitor Services and Social Outreach at tsage@stbarts.org.