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Remembering The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold

by The Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe on March 09, 2023

Dear Friends,

I am very sorry to report the news that the 25th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church, The Most Reverend Frank T. Griswold III, has died. Bishop Griswold served faithfully and well during a turbulent time in the Episcopal Church. He was a calm captain in heavy seas and his deep prayer life was a powerful and sustaining force for his own life as well as for the life of our church.

When I was the Vice Rector of St. Michael and All Angels in Dallas, we invited Frank to come and speak to our congregation. He readily accepted the invitation and his words were deeply meaningful in the midst of great anxiety about same-sex blessings.  When I became Bishop of Kansas, I invited him to come to Kansas to lead our clergy conference and he did so with great wisdom and extraordinary graciousness. (He was even enough of a good sport to go bowling with the clergy, an activity which appeared to be far outside his comfort zone!)

Frank was a kind and thoughtful mentor to me in my episcopal ministry and I will miss him more than I can say. He was that most uncommon clergyman; a person of true humility and deep prayer.

May he rest in eternal peace and rise in incomparable glory.


The Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe, D.D. , Rector

Link to the obituary and statement by our current Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry


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