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Remembering the Saints

November 04, 2021

This is the season of the year, between All Hallows’ Eve, All Saints’ Day, and All Souls’ Day, when we remember those who have gone before us, the saints we have lost and the loved ones we grieve. This Sunday, we will celebrate the Feast of All Saints. In our Collect for this day, we acknowledge that God has knit us together in “one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of Christ.” We will commemorate all the saints, known and unknown, who serve as examples to us of what it means to live a life in Christ.

Last Sunday, I was deeply moved by our celebration of Día de los Muertos and the construction of the beautiful ofrenda (altar), where many of us placed pictures, mementos, or the favorite foods of our loved ones. Although I had known of this beautiful and ancient Mexican tradition, this was the first time I had the chance to participate in it. I brought photographs of two beloved people I have lost - my father and my mother-in-law - but I hadn't thought to bring any of their favorite things to place with them. As it happened, the ofrenda was decorated with an abundance of gorgeous orange marigolds, gourds, and apples. Apples were one of my father's favorite snacks (even better when smeared with peanut butter), so I placed his photo next to an apple. My mother-in-law loved gourds - the weirder the shape the better—so I placed her photo next to a gourd. They both looked right at home. And suddenly, in the remembering of them and the things that they loved, I felt their spiritual presence with us.

In our celebration of All Saints’ this Sunday, we will remember those we have lost who have joined the communion of saints. Our remembrance of them doesn't make them present, our remembrance of them reminds us that they are always present with us in the mystical body of Christ. My first celebration of Día de los Muertos brought this home for me. Next year, I'll bring the peanut butter.

The Reverend Meredith E. Ward
Interim Associate Rector


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