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Saying Farewell

February 28, 2025

Saying farewell is never easy.  But saying farewell to friends and colleagues with whom you have worked so closely, and with whom you have shared a common dream, is even harder.

There have been a series of lovely events planned over the past several weeks which celebrated Ellen’s and my ministry at St. Bart’s. We have been so appreciative of these celebrations and you have been so very thoughtful. Some of the kindest things that have ever been said about either one of us have been said at these events and we will cherish these sentiments for the rest of our lives. But I am aware that ministry is a team sport, and none of the successes we have been celebrating would have been possible without the efforts of the amazing professional and lay colleagues with whom I have labored. Everything we have accomplished over the past eight years has been done with the faithful collaboration and financial support of all of you. It may look as if we are celebrating my ministry, but we are really celebrating the ministry we have achieved together.

During my tenure at St. Bart’s, we tried to accomplish something which is as difficult as it is rare. We have been trying to grow a large urban main line parish in a period of economic and political turmoil.  We have been trying to create and implement progressive and transformative ministries in the aftermath of a worldwide pandemic. We have been trying to create sustainable economic structures to support our audacious dreams for this far-flung enterprise. Together, we have been trying to do something truly good and holy in the midst of some of the most challenging circumstances I have witnessed in my combined 40 years of ministry. And we have been successful.    

I’ve been challenged to find the appropriate words to properly convey my appreciation to all of you.  How can I fully express my respect, admiration, and love for your unwavering faithfulness, tenacity, and perseverance? These are the traits that will be required of you as you move forward as a parish in this transitional season and, as you may suspect, nothing in this world is likely to get easier.

My prayer is that you will rally behind Peter’s gifted leadership and the strong leadership offered by Phil, Zack, Meredith, Stephanie, Molly, Andrew, and John. They love this parish and want nothing more than to succeed at this audacious task with all of you. Together, you’ve got this!

As the Apostle Paul wrote in his Second Letter to Timothy;

“As for me, I am already being poured out as a libation, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race,  I have kept the faith.”   (2nd Timothy, 4:6-7)

Thank you for the extending to me the extraordinary privilege of serving as your Rector, fellow sojourner, and friend.


The Right Reverend Dean E. Wolfe, D.D.


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