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With Hearts and Hands and Voices

by Paolo Bordignon on April 21, 2023

Dear Friends,

Amidst the bustle of this great city, in one of the world’s crowded corporate canyons, St. Bart’s has stood as an oasis of light and spiritual refreshment. With doors open for worship and pilgrimage, it is home to a range of offerings for members, seekers, and visitors.

At the heart of it all is how we gather for worship, keyed to the rhythms of the church, week by week, season by season, year by year. The music we sing and hear in liturgy plays such a moving and powerful role, quite literally setting the tone for what we believe, who we aspire to be, how we seek to grow in faith, and how we might be the hands of Christ in the world.

St. Bart’s has a long tradition of musical excellence and has had an uncommon influence on American musical life. Past Organist-Choirmasters shaped The Hymnal 1940 and The Hymnal 1982, composing anthems and hymns in the repertoire of practically every choir and congregation in the country. These include Leopold Stokowski, David McK. Williams, Harold Friedell, Jack Ossewaarde, James Litton, and William K. Trafka. Supported by one of the world’s great pipe organs, our Choristers, St. Bart’s Singers, and St. Bartholomew’s Choir help us carry this inspiring work forward every week. 

Our services called A Choral Feast carry on a tradition for which St. Bart’s has been known for decades: offering major choral works, often with orchestra, in worship. Our 2023 Sacred Music campaign aims to infuse new energy into our Choral Feast series and to support all the ways that sacred music brings us together and inspires us. Your generosity makes it possible to carry forward this great legacy.

Paolo Bordignon, Organist and Choirmaster


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