Services on the Sunday before Easter feature both a joyful celebration of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and a solemn remembrance of Jesus’ final moments before his death. Services at 8 am, 9 am, and 11 am include a blessing of palm branches, the reading of the story of Jesus’ crucifixion, and Holy Communion, while the 5 pm service has a slower and gentler feel, incorporating periods of silence as well as holy communion. The 11 am service will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook and YouTube. Free parking is available at the garage at 136 E. 51st Street. Voucher required. (Pick up a voucher from St. Bart's Central or one of our ushers.) The Reverend Zack Nyein, Senior Associate Rector and Pastor of Imagine Worship, will preach at all services.
Sermon by the Reverend Zack Nyein, Senior Associate Rector and Pastor of Imagine Worship.
On Palm Sunday, our 9 am and 11 am services are identical and feature music from the combined choirs of St. Bartholomew's Church.
Sermon by the Reverend Zack Nyein, Senior Associate Rector and Pastor of Imagine Worship.
At the 11 am service on Palm Sunday, kids in grades K - 5 are invited to a special children's worship service in the chapel. Those who wish to participate will be dismissed during the second hymn and escorted back to the church during the welcome and announcements before communion. Parents and guardians are welcome to join. Activity bags will be provided for those who wish to stay in the main worship service, and nursery care will be available for children ages 0 to 4 in the Community House.
Come to the Great Hall on Palm Sunday at 12:15 pm for a special Palm Sunday Fête for All Ages featuring traditional palm cross making, hot cross buns, coffee, tea, and interactive Holy Week trivia, with prizes.
Sermon by the Reverend Zack Nyein, Senior Associate Rector and Pastor of Imagine Worship.
Alexander Pattavina performs César Franck's Trois Chorals and other Passiontide works on St. Bart's magnificent Æolian-Skinner organ with its 12,422 pipes.
Members of St. Bartholomew’s Choir offer haunting music as candles are gradually extinguished and the agony of the crucifixion is recalled. At the end of the service, a single candle remains, signifying the ultimate victory of good over evil. This service will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook and YouTube.
Modeled after the Via Dolorosa (Way of Sorrows) in Jerusalem, we will reflect on Jesus' final journey to the cross during a meditative pilgrimage through the neighborhood. Pausing briefly at sites such as the train station and firehouse, we will offer prayers for the city and the world during Holy Week. The liturgy will begin on the chapel steps of St. Bart's at 6:00 pm and depart promptly at 6:10 pm. Bring water and come prepared to travel approximately two miles via sidewalks during this one-hour and fifteen-minute experience. (Rain or Shine)
On the night before he died, Jesus washed his disciples’ feet and gave them his Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine. Both Maundy Thursday services feature holy communion. The 6 pm service also features the ritual of footwashing. At the end of the 6 pm service, the altar is stripped and the communion elements are processed to a garden that has been constructed in the chapel. The Reverend Molly O'Neil Frank, Assisting Priest, will preach at all services.
With St. Bartholomew's Choir. This service will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook and YouTube.
Jesus asked his disciples to keep awake with him while he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Fulfilling his request, we keep watch over the reserved sacrament in the Chapel overnight. Come for a short period of time or stay all evening.
For decades, St. Bart's has marked Good Friday by gathering at noon to meditate on Jesus' seven last words, or sayings. This year’s observance of Good Friday again features music by St. Bartholomew’s Choir and thought-provoking preaching from St. Bart's clergy and lay members of the St. Bart’s community. The 8 am and 6 pm services include a reading of the Passion Gospel, prayer for the whole world, and Holy Communion from the bread and wine blessed on Maundy Thursday evening. This noon service will be livestreamed on our website, Facebook and YouTube.
with St. Bartholomew’s Choir.
Preachers: The Reverend Canon Stephanie Spellers, Assisting Priest, the Reverend Meredith Ward, Senior Associate Rector, the Reverend Deacon John Wirenieus, Mr. Nathan Peace, Seminarian, Mr. William Margraf, Seminarian, Mr. Teagan Sage and Ms. Kate DiTullio
Members of the clergy will be available to hear confessions immediately after the noon service.
with music provided by members of St. Bartholomew's Choir. Sermon by the Reverend Meredith Ward, Senior Associate Rector.
The Great Vigil of Easter is the official beginning of the Easter season and a favorite service of many. Featuring the lighting of the Paschal fire, stirring stories from the Hebrew Bible, the renewal of our Baptismal Vows, and the first “Alleluia” of Easter, it is the most dramatic liturgy of the year. Bring bells and noisemakers or have them at the ready! The Reverend Canon Stephanie Spellers, Assisting Priest, will preach, and music will be offered by the St. Bart's Singers, St. Bartholomew's Choir, and artists from Imagine Worship NYC. A festive reception follows.
Free parking is available at the garage at 136 E. 51st Street. Voucher required. (Pick up a voucher from St. Bart's Central or one of our ushers.)
Alleluia! Christ is risen! Celebrate and rejoice in the triumph of life over death.
Free parking is available at the garage at 136 E. 51st Street. Voucher required. (Pick up a voucher from St. Bart's Central or one of our ushers.)
Our earliest Sunday service, the 8 am service, offers a quiet, traditional service with a sermon and no music. The order of service follows the traditional Rite I language of the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer. Sermon by the Reverend Molly O'Neil Frank, Assisting Priest
On Easter Day, our 9 am and 11 am services are identical with brass, timpani, and combined choirs of St. Bartholomew's Church offering music to uplift the soul.
Music prelude begins 30 minutes before each service.
Kids' Church will be offered during the 11 am service only (scroll down for more information.)
Sermon by the Reverend Peter D. Thompson, Vicar and Interim Rector.
Come early, bring a friend, and share the joy. (Pro tip - you can skip the crowds and see the same festive service at 9 am!)
The 11 am service will also be livestreamed. Additional info here.
Watch the Livestream
At the 11 am services on Easter Day, kids in grades K - 5 are invited to a special children's worship service in the chapel, featuring a retelling of the Easter story, egg hunt, and a traditional “flowering of the cross.”You are invited to bring extra flowers from your home or flower shop if you would like. Those who wish to participate will be dismissed during the second hymn and escorted back to the church during the welcome and announcements before communion. Parents and guardians are welcome to join. Activity bags will be provided for those who wish to stay in the main worship service, and nursery care will be available for children ages 0 to 4 on the basement level of the Community House.
Join us for an intimate service of holy communion in our candlelit chapel. At this service, rhythms of silence, singing, scripture, and prayer are woven together into an intimate hour of spiritual renewal— the perfect way to end the weekend and prepare for the week ahead.
Sermon by the Reverend Peter D. Thompson, Vicar and Interim Rector.