Liturgical Ministries
Aug 5, 2022 |
Each Sunday, our vibrant worship services rely on dozens of volunteers to make them happen. We are always looking for more volunteers in the following ministries. Training is provided.
Members of THE ALTAR GUILD set up and take care of all of the vessels and linens used in communion services.
LECTORS Read the appointed Scripture readings for each Sunday.
INTERCESSORS lead the Prayers of the People each Sunday. Typically intercessors are also lectors.
ACOLYTES and CRUCIFERS add a sense of solemn dignity to our worship by carrying torches and crosses in procession.
VERGERS lead processions, assist the clergy, and perform some important behind-the-scenes tasks.
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS help to make the process of distributing communion both reverent and efficient helping with the administration of communion.
USHERS and GREETERS welcome worshippers, make sure they are seated, and assist in the collection of offerings and in the distribution of communion.