Check out what’s happening this Sunday

The Forum

March 5, 2023 10:00am

Each Sunday at 10:00 am, we explore important issues at the intersection of faith and the modern world. Join us online via our website, Facebook, and YouTube, or in-person in the Great Hall.

March 5: Bless Your Soul: Pausing to Hear from Your Soul Companions
Atlanta-based Episcopal priest and writer, the Reverend Martha Sterne, shares wisdom from over three decades of ordained ministry, joining in conversation with the Reverend Zack Nyein, who grew up as a child in her parish. A celebrated preacher and spiritual guide, Sterne has written three books, Alive and Loose in the Ordinary, Earthly Good, and Tell Me a Story: Preaching with the Holy Innocents. Her abiding pleasure is to help people pay attention to the living and storied presence of God in each of us and in all our days.

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