Check out what’s happening this Sunday

The Mosaic Society

St. Bart’s established the Mosaic Society in 1997 to recognize and thank members and friends who have included St. Bart’s in their estate plans. Scroll down to learn about making a planned gift to St. Bart’s and how you can arrange support for the future witness for Christ in this place, or contact 

On June 6th, 2024 Mosaic Society members gathered for a festive lunch and celebration. The following members were honored for their service and generosity to St. Bart's through the years and are our 2024 Mosaic Award recipients. Click here to see photos.

Kate H. Briggs
Michael C. Collins
Fletcher Hodges III

Legacy Giving

For anyone inspired to leave a legacy gift to St. Bart's, a will or testamentary trust will fulfill this purpose. A will outlines the use and distribution of your assets after your death, including providing for your family/heirs, managing your taxes and expenses, and establishing specific bequests to St. Bart’s and other organizations as charitable beneficiaries. A will can be created with the assistance of your attorney and through an online, free resource such as FreeWill.

You may choose to name St. Bart’s as receiving a percentage share of your total assets or as a direct beneficiary of specific assets such as a life insurance policy, IRA, qualified retirement plan, or revocable and irrevocable trusts. Noting St. Bartholomew’s Church in the City of New York as the beneficiary on the account is all that it takes. Most retirement plans will ask you to complete a beneficiary designation form. You simply list St. Bartholomew’s Church in the City of New York as the beneficiary on the form. The form will ask for a tax ID number.

Legal Name: St. Bartholomew’s Church in the City of New York
Federal Tax Identification Number: 13-5651315

Donor Advised Funds

In most cases, you can give your children or other family members privileges to carry on your philanthropy and instill philanthropic values among your family.  Contact your Donor-Advise Fund (DAF) to learn more. 

Bequests and beneficiary designations are the easiest planned gifts to make. Generous support, across the generations, has ensured St. Bart’s vital ministry in the City of New York since 1835. 

For more information contact . St. Bart’s charitable planning services are professional, confidential, and collaborative. There is not cost or obligation. Telling St. Bart’s about a planned gift or bequest does not constitute a binding commitment and it qualifies you as a member of the Mosaic Society.

For Sample Bequest Language

Download sample bequest language here. 

To recognize and celebrate your planned gift, we request some basic information which you can provide by completing the Bequest Intention Form

Membership in to the Mosaic Society has grown each year, as more people recognize the importance of sustaining St. Bart’s ministry. Members will receive recognition for your support and special invitations to events.  Legacy gifts are critical to St. Bart’s long-term success and financial sustainability. Read more about the Mosaic Society Celebration, and please contact

Your Gift Where It Matters Most

In naming St. Bartholomew’s Church in the City of New York in your will or as designated beneficiary, you make the decision on what your legacy gift will support.  You can make a gift without restriction, or you can support a specific area of St. Bart’s annual ministry.  

Contact to take the simple steps toward transforming your devotion to St. Bart’s into a plan for support. Please let us know if you wish us to keep your plans confidential.