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Adam Bucko, The Emerging Global Spirituality

Author Adam Bucko: The Emerging Universal Spirituality, propelled by globalization, youth and multicultiralism in the 21st century.

Adam Bucko, coauthor with Matthew Fox of Occupy Spirituality: A Radical Vision for a New Generation (Sacred Activism)

It is widely acknowledged today that a global universal spirituality is gradually emerging.  We see it evidenced in values based movements for change worldwide, most recently in Turkey, Brazil, Bulgaria and Egypt (often heralded by the “Occupy” theme and led by conscious and activist youth). It is being propelled by deep undercurrents moving the world toward globalization and multiculturalism. Consciousness scientists see an overall shift in human perception away from the old parochial “boxes” of the past, and toward a new “unity consciousness.” Religious and spiritual adherents often see a divine purpose at work. Adam will discuss the dynamics and implications of this new emergent global landscape.

September 1, 2013

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