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Children, Youth, and Families Survey (2)

Dear Friends,

As we consider the ways the ongoing pandemic has affected our lives as individuals, as families, and as a church, we are in the early stages of reimagining what our ministries with children, youth, and families might look like at St. Bart's.  In so many ways, it is a whole new world, and our fervent desire is to surround our young people with a community of love, strength and encouragement to face the challenges of today. 

We know it takes a village. Studies have shown that it takes meaningful relationships with six adults outside the immediate family to make faith "sticky" — for church to make a difference in young people's lives after high school.  We are blessed with the gift and the responsibility of caring for more than 600 young people and their families who consider St. Bart's their spiritual home, whether in-person or now, virtually.

In the face of wayward disciples and seasoned sinners, Jesus extends the most radical welcome of them all:  "Let the little children come!"  Won't you consider being a part of building up this great village of faith as young and old seek God's beloved community, together.  

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please don't hesitate to reach out at any time.


The Reverend Zack Nyein  |  Contact

Children Youth and Families Survey

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February 8, 2022

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