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Is It the End of the World Again?

"Is It the End of the World Again?":
The 2012 Phenomenon with the Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson

forum_jackson_cari - Cari Jackson

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In virtually every era, culture, and religion there have been predictions about the end of the world. Across the centuries, various messages from the Book of Revelation to Nostradamus to Harold Camping have contributed to anxieties about whether there would be a tomorrow, and if so, what it would look like. This year, interpretations about the Mayan calendar, which ends on December 21, 2012, have resulted in anxiety and fear growing worldwide. Dr. Jackson discusses how interpretations about the world’s end impact how we live today.

Guest Speaker

The Rev. Dr. Cari Jackson, the founder and director of Center of Spiritual Light, brings vast experience as a pastor, teacher, counselor, facilitator, and consultant.  Rev. Jackson previously served as senior pastor of First Congregational Church of Stamford (formed in 1635), interim senior pastor at First Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn, associate pastor for congregational life at The Church St. Paul and St. Andrew (United Methodist), interim pastor and lecturer at Union Theological Seminary, and associate worship coordinator at The Riverside Church in New York City. Dr. Jackson is the author of The Gift to Listen, the Courage to Hear (Augsburg Books, 2003). She received her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Christian Social Ethics from Drew University, where her dissertation, "Double Talk," examined the power dynamics within the black church tradition that influence the moral agency of black Christians in the public sphere.

February 26, 2012

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