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Nina Frost: “Navigating the Wilderness Times”

. . . what we will be has not yet been revealed . . .”    1st John 3:2

Popular retreat leader and spiritual director Nina Frost joined Buddy for “Navigating the Wilderness Times.”

Some of the hardest times to navigate are the in-between times when we have moved away from some aspect of our lives, but it is not yet clear where we are going. These wilderness times are uncomfortable, unpredictable, and essential. In a culture that values clarity and efficiency, these are times of ambiguity and open-endedness. Ms. Frost discussed how to discover tools to help you honor this key part of your spiritual journey as you move through uncertainties in the search for home.

Click the round "Play" button to listen to an online recording of the Forum. Or click the downward facing arrow to download a copy to your computer for listening later.

January 26, 2014

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