Check out what’s happening this Sunday

Every Sunday at 10 am

Each week, guest speakers from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines join the Reverend Peter Thompson and other St. Bart's clergy for deep and insightful conversations about topics that matter to our lives as responsible citizens and people of faith. Speakers in recent years have included winners of the Tony Award, the Emmy Award, the MacArthur Fellowship, and the Pulitzer Prize, professors from prominent universities like Yale, Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia, and journalists from New YorkThe New Yorker, and The Atlantic.

Sunday, February 16, at 10 am

King of Kings: Organ Music by Black Composers, Past and Present

Nathaniel Gumbs, Director of Chapel Music at Yale University, reviews organ music by Black composers, including some pieces he will play at the 11 am service. Please post your questions in the comments section on Facebook or YouTube, or email the Reverend Peter Thompson at  



February 16 - King of Kings: Organ Music by Black Composers, Past and Present
Nathaniel Gumbs, Director of Chapel Music at Yale University, reviews organ music by Black composers, including some pieces he will play at the 11 am service.

Watch or listen to The Forum from previous weeks below.

Grouped by: Pride Month 2021

Saving What Can Be Saved
06.23.24 | Articles | The Forum

The Atlantic Senior Editor Vann R. Newkirk II discusses the importance of Black History today, why memory is one of the most important parts of imagining the future, and the role of the journalist when media is in crisis.

When is War Just?
05.26.24 | Articles | The Forum

As wars rage on in Ukraine, in the Middle East, and throughout the world, Walter Dorn, Professor of Defence Studies at the Canadian Forces College and the Royal Military College in Toronto, offers some Memorial Day reflections on the ethics of war.

Hearing the Spirit's Call
05.19.24 | Articles | The Forum

Four members of the St. Bart's community exploring a possible call to ordained ministry (Kate DiTullio, Nathan Peace, Bailey Regan, and Teagan Sage) reflect on how they hear the Spirit's call.

Mothers, Justice and Health
05.12.24 | Articles | The Forum

Monique Rainford, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at Yale School of Medicine and author of Pregnant While Black, commemorates Mother’s Day by reflecting on how we as a society can better protect...

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